Basic Recruitment Services (Free)

-Employer contracts KHOUBOURAT for vacancy filling
-Employer provides KHOUBOURAT with full requirements
of needed position/s.
-We post the vacancy anonymously on Social Media.
platforms and Website (For Free).
-We search our database for suitable candidates.
-We screen All applicants’ profiles & CVs and
provide a summary to the employer.
-We Follow-up and send feedback to the employer.

Premium Talent Acquisition Program (Paid)

-Employer contacts KHOUBOURAT for vacancy filling (Phone/Email).
-Employer consults with KHOUBOURAT about the position(s) requirements and decide on recruitment strategy.
-We post the vacancy anonymously on Social Media platforms and Website (For Free)+ Paid posting on selected platforms (ALL ANONYMOUS).
-We search our database for suitable candidates
-We screen All applicants’ profiles and CVs and provide a detailed summary to the employer.
-We interview selected candidates and shortlist them.
-We provide a detailed summary to the employer.

Human Resources Consulting for Employers

In addition to hiring talents, we at KHOUBOURAT provide employers with Human Resources Consulting to assist this in their hiring, job placements decisions and other HR best practices specific to their company’s needs.

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